Hydration & health
Posted on 1st November 2023 at 15:46

Celtic sea salt and hydration – an effective way to manage many symptoms of common disease
One of the simplest ways to ensure that we age well is to maintain adequate levels of hydration. Prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, a diet of foods low in water content, and an excess of alcohol and soda consumption all contribute to dehydration. When it comes to diseases of the heart, kidney, stomach and skin and conditions such as allergies, asthma and arthritis, your state of hydration can be the most important factor when it comes to management of symptoms and recovery.
Let’s take allergies or histamine reactions as an example. When the body is dehydrated it naturally begins to increase the production of histamine. It does this because one of histamine’s functions is to retain water. The consequence of excess histamine however is irritation of the body’s tissues and immune system, and allergic symptoms occur. Taking antihistamines to alleviate the allergy symptoms causes electrolyte imbalances and what the sufferer gets is a sticking plaster for their ailment and not a cure. This is why in my practice I always recommend clients with allergy symptoms and asthma to have a glass of water and to dissolve a crystal of Celtic sea salt on their tongue before they take any medications. Often this is enough to alleviate their symptoms in the short term and if not and medication is still required, the water will enable it to be more easily detoxified by the body. In the longer term however their general levels of hydration need to be addressed and rectified.
Fluid balance in the body is maintained by what is called the sodium pump. This mechanism regulates the exchange of sodium and potassium in and out of the body’s cells. Dehydration causes inefficiencies in this system resulting in many common diseases.
In terms of digestion, without enough water the stomach is unable to properly churn our food and this causes problems further down the digestive tract. The stomach is an acid environment that passes food into the small intestine which is much more alkaline. Without adequate buffering between the two, a muscle spasm results at the junction where they meet. This spasm is the result of the body trying to delay the passage of the food, which through lack of proper digestion, remains too acidic for the small intestine to handle. Indigestion ensues. If antacids are taken and the underlying cause is ignored the digestive system will cease to work effectively over time and more serious disease can be the result. A more rational, cheaper and natural approach is to drink a glass of water 30 minutes before each meal so that the proper digestive enzymes can be primed for action.
Understanding the importance of water to good health is vital but the exchange of water via the sodium pump is crucial too. The best way to achieve this is through a balanced diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables. These not only hydrate but also provide the nutrients required to maintain the integrity of the cells and allow efficient exchange of electrolytes. Drinking water alone does not do this.
Another common disease associated with aging is arthritis. How many of us over the age of 40 feel a little bit stiff when we get out of bed in the mornings? An age-old treatment is a visit to natural hot springs which soothe the joints by increasing circulation and allow the absorption of trace minerals such as sulphur from the water. Sulphur and other trace minerals such as magnesium are needed for proper joint function. We can emulate this at home by taking a bath in warm water containing sea salt and Epsom salts (caution needs to be applied here for various health issues so take advice from a professional if you have high or low blood pressure or you are undergoing treatment for any chronic conditions).
Another condition which I see frequently in my practice is dry mouth. This is often caused by prescription medicines but in other cases it is simply the result of poor hydration and /or electrolyte imbalance. In such cases the sufferer may appear to be drinking adequate amounts of fluids. If these are mainly in the form of regular tea or coffee then plain water should be consumed in addition. Celtic sea salt should also be added to meals to ensure that the vitamins and minerals readily available from fresh vegetables can be efficiently utilized in the body in order that electrolyte balance is maintained.
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